Before buying a product from us, you should buy the product by understanding the following issues so that there is no problem after the sale. We want our customers to make 100% decisions about our service. If you have any queries regarding any of these, call us on + 8801572-178240 or find out in the page inbox.

Order Policy:

  • Home delivery orders will be processed after confirmation from our customer care representative.
  • Paid orders cannot be canceled or refunded for both cash on delivery (COD) and online payment.
  • Contact our customer care for any order-related issues.
  • Customer Care Contact Number: + 8801572-178240.

Price policy:

  • A technical error may occur in the pricing information due to a system error.
  • We are committed to delivering your order accurately, in good condition, and on time.

Our shipping policy:

  • Delivery within Dhaka: Delivery within 2/3 working days & outside 3/5 working days.
  • Delivery fee inside Dhaka is 80tk & outside is 150tk.

Please note that we are associated with a shipping company to place orders. Therefore, the distribution process is not entirely under our control. We apologize for any inconvenience and promise to pay for it.

Color incompatibility:

  • We do our best to portray the exact color of the product on the website. However, consumers may still experience color impurity due to observation inconsistencies.